Thursday, 2 May 2013


Our Drive to Halifax from Boston was a quick 14 hour drive - over 2 days. We Decided to drive through New Hampshire and Maine where there was no sales taxes and plenty of factory outlet stores.

Border Security - This guy was nice once again. Why can't these people work in the airports.

On the road again.

Can't wait to get back on the road again.

We were treated to a really nice sunset


Halifax - The View front our accommodation

We Caught the Local Ferry across the bay to the main city of Halifax, This was where the Titanic Museum was located. Along the way we met this interesting Tug Boat.

Welcome to the Titanic

There were plenty of interesting artifacts and many different displays of other transport and merchant vessels. Most of my photos didn't work out unfortunately.

Another Must See and Do - Alexander Keith's Brewery

This is by far my favorite beer in Canada. We didn't have time for the brewery tour but we found time for a sampler in the Alexanders Pub

Our Afternoon was spent completing hot laps around a round-a-bout searching for the right road towards Peggy's lighthouse - The most Photographed Lighthouse in the world
Peggy's Lighthouse

This is no doubt one of the the most beautiful lighthouse in Canada. It was a little unfortunate that there was flat lighting during our time here.

The use of Black and White photography is my favorite method of capturing the landscape

 We Continued our drive along this coast line and found an air crash memorial for a Swiss air flight that crashed into this sea in 1998. Not far from Peggy's Lighthouse.

We found dinner at a near by town on opposite side of the bay to Peggy's lighthouse

Tomorrow  We are planning to check out Cape Breton North from Halifax

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