Tuesday, 30 April 2013

DC Day 2 -3

Our 2nd Day in DC, Washington. We had organized a day on a hop on hop off bus, to get around and hopefully see all of the main touristy destinations in DC

We started our Journey on the Red Route to the Abraham Lincoln Memorial

Abraham Lincoln
Washington Monument
Amazing, eh!
World War 2 Memorial

Smithsonian Castle

White House Front
White House Back - Identical Huh?

This Image is Copy write protected

Spy Museum

Some Important Guy

They are Not Pedestrians - Don't have right of way

Driving to Arlington Cemetery

Closer to Arlington Cemetery


Arlington Cemetery

Breath Taking
Eternal Flame

JFK - President
NASA Apollo Disasters
NASA Apollo Disasters

Changing of the guards - Must see. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier


The Only View of the Pentagon


Fire Ladder trucks have 2 drivers. This guy you can see in the back actually drives the back wheels, so they can through the rear end out wide while going around tight city corners.

DC Metro Underground stations

This just about sums up DC, We really enjoyed our time here. Man our are our legs sore from an entire day walking around Smithsonian and attractions around DC. Next stop, We are heading to Delaware East of DC for a day off on the coast


Monday, 29 April 2013

DC day 1

Driving into DC was tough, highway driving heavy rain - No one sticking to the speed limit. We made it and checked into a really nice hotel just outside the city. 
We started off at the Smithsonian museums for an entire day.

Entrance to Main Museum
From the Movie - Night of the Museum. T-Rex Stood in the Door way.
There were many excellent Full replicas on display.
Someones Kid

Full size Blue Whale

When we said we went Diving and saw a Jelly Fish, This is exactly what we swam with, Only a smaller one with shorter tentacles 


These guys came to life during the Night at the Museum

My Favorite Photo - Caught him mid air
 Skippy !

This next section of this Museum was focused on the amazing technology we have today.

This is actual Real Time Earthquake detection based on the past 2 hours. This is considered normal movement.

 When we arrived at this section, There were a lot of people taking photos of this - hope stone - I thought I'd take a shot as well just to fit in. 
Man the security was tight in this room, enough to make you feel really claustrophobic.

Lunch Time:
This was strange, So bad that I had to take a photo. Yes a 
Mac Donalds on wheels !

Anyway this was lunch. 

Next Stop: Air and Space Museum - still apart of the Smithsonian museums.

Did you know the Wright Brothers actually learned to fly by building kites
A replica of the wright brothers world record holding plane.
During the War, the navigator got the front seat, Literally the front seat. This is where I would want to sit, In front of First Class !
This might just well be the future, Cars that can drive themselves. This particular car won a crossing of some dessert unmanned and unassisted. This course of this race is not known until 1 hour before the race starts. 


 There was a full scale space rocket training module on display. This is the drivers seat.

Living Quarters - we could walk through the module on a defined path.


Fitness bike and showering tube.
Out of all of the displays in this area, This one is a little sad, Monkeys were sent to space to test the atmosphere conditions. This little guy made it back alive. Take a close look at that cradle, one hand over his chest on the outside and the other hand protecting his crown jewels.

These are all of the landing sites for the Apollo missions, There were a lot of samples and experiments they performed. 1 display was a piece of moon rock, and an Iphone hard cover. I thought this was a comparison for school kids. But just as i was about to take a photo, some kid walked up and took his phone back. I just felt so dumb, this kid must have been watching me like a hawk.


 Speaking of Hawk, This is a unmanned Drone, actual size.
Model Air Craft Carrier
 Our last stop for the day was the American History Museum.

Wizard of OZ shoes

 A collection of old sound recording and playback devices from the past century. Check out the iPod, really. Is it that old already?
My Mate Kermit the Frog
Big day on the town tomorrow. Can't believe we only just saw the museums today, this place is huge.